Ph.D. in
Language Science

UCI language scientist Richard Futrell studies how language - a unique feature of human beings - evolved into what we use today.
A programmatic powerhouse. Full financial aid and funding. A lens-worthy location.
The reasons students choose the UC Irvine School of Social Sciences for their graduate
pursuits are many.
Ranked as the #10 best public college in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, UCI's new Ph.D. program in language science offers students five years of guaranteed funding.
Scholars in the department seek answers to questions such as: How do children and adults learn language? How is language used strategically in social situations? How do the multiple languages spoken by a multilingual person interact in their brain? What explains the huge variety of languages we see in the world? How does the brain manage to coordinate the complex processes involved in speaking and hearing in real time, and how could we design computer systems to do the same thing?
UCI language science faculty publish regularly in top academic journals, and graduate students have ample opportunities to publish alongside them. Faculty and graduate students consistently present research at conferences and universities across the globe.
The program offers an integrative approach to the scientific study of language, exploring interfaces between traditional frameworks while fostering a more complete understanding of the human communication system. The aim is to train self-directed, successful researchers capable of innovative thinking at the forefront of language science. This training emphasizes empirical grounding, state-of-the-art methods for hypothesis generation and testing, and effective scientific communication.
Learn more about Language Science at UCI...
university committed to economic diversity and upward mobility
- New York Times College Access Index
coolest school in ecological sustainability
- Sierra Club Magazine
best value university
- Princeton Review
public university in the U.S.
- U.S. News & World Report
Campus is located less than 10 miles from Newport Beach.
Admitted students receive 5 years of guaranteed funding.
Quantitative, neuroscientific, and behavioral approaches to scientific inquiry.
Ph.D.; a master's degree may be earned while in pursuit of the Ph.D.
Full-time, on-campus with housing.
UCI's Ph.D. in language science is the first such doctoral program in the country.
language science
Cognition and bilingualism
Computational linguistics/Natural language processing
Experimental approaches
Language development
Language structure
Quantitative approaches
Semantics & pragmatics
Speech perception
Read more about reseach in Language Science at UCI...
Christian Navarro-Torres
what makes us

UCI's campus is beautiful, with Aldrich Park, a 19-acre botanical garden with more than 11,000 trees, at its center. The campus is also less than 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean and beaches.
Students work with faculty advisors using innovative technologies in quantitative,
neuroscientific, and behavioral approaches to scientific inquiry. Training incorporates
curricular flexibility, technical communication skills development, and prioritization
of research early in the graduate career.
Special attention is given to providing hands-on research experience and equipping students with sophisticated quantitative methods and technical communication skills. This allows students to target a broad range of careers within academia (as research professors, research scientists, and teaching professors) and in industry (as language engineers, knowledge engineers, language analysts, social media analysts, computational linguists, speech scientists, and educational technologists). Expertise in languages other than English makes graduates even more competitive for industry and government positions.
And if that wasn't enough, the UCI campus is located less than 10 miles from Newport Beach, is the #1 university doing the most for the American dream (New York Times College Access Index), the #2 "coolest school" in the nation (Sierra magazine), and the #9 best value university (Princeton Review).
So what are you waiting for?
If an integrative approach to the scientific study of language, full funding, opportunities
to publish, and a proven track record of excellence in the field is what you’re looking
for, contact us today to learn more about UCI’s Ph.D. program in language science.
Department Chair
Gregory Hickok
Graduate Director
Richard Futrell
Graduate Advisor
Jennifer Gerson
connect with us